
5 exercises that, if done regularly, will give you the desired six-pack

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The trend for all kinds of physical activity is not going away – and that’s a good thing, because regular exercise is not only the way to look great, but also to be healthy. However, some people train more intensely because they dream of a six-pack on their stomach.

Apart from running, swimming, cycling or fitness training, some people put extra emphasis on training specific parts of their body to get stronger and more defined muscles in selected areas. Many men as well as women dream about so called six-pack on their belly

That is why they torture themselves, spending many hours at the gym or doing many series of abdominals at home. Yes, these exercises are helpful, but done in excess, without proper interval between workouts, they will not bring the expected results. Besides, exercises for six-pack should not be based only on the exercise of selected parts of the abdomen. To achieve the desired sculpture, cardio training and of course a well-balanced diet are also recommended.

A six-pack – a matter of regularity, self-denial and healthy eating

Each of us has abdominal muscles, but for some they simply became invisible due to excess fat deposited on them. If most of your abdomen is covered with fat, don’t be surprised if the muscles you obviously have simply “hide away”. However, it is not said that a six-pack cannot be “gained” by an overweight person. All you need is willpower and persistence in pursuing your goal. Of course the first step is to reduce excess body fat, so that at a later stage, among other things, through appropriately selected sets of exercises, you can strive for your dream abdominal sculpture.

Meet the most popular exercises for the desired six-pack


ABS for abdomen is a training hit. The abbreviation comes from English (Abdominal Body System) and is based on extensive abdominal muscle training. This workout consists of several exercises, such as tummy tucks, bicycle, lying down leg push-ups or pulling your knees to your chest. It should be done 3 to 4 times a week

The time to perform such an intensive training is – attention – less than 15 minutes. Of course it should be preceded by a warm-up like any other workout. Several exercises gathered in one workout have good influence on abdominal muscles and are a variety from monotonous execution of specific movement.

Side bridge

Exercise recommended for developing and strengthening abdominal muscles is also a side bridge. How to perform it? We lie down on a chosen side. If you choose the left side, then lift your right arm up, straightening it maximally, and then lean on your right forearm. Lift your hips slightly but firmly, pushing them higher and higher. Our body should form a straight line. After a moment, lower your hips and raise them again. This movement we do about 20 seconds. Doing another repetition we can change sides, in series it is worth to do at least 10 repetitions.

Russian twist

Russian twist is another popular and effective exercise for six-pack. To perform it correctly, sit on the floor and straighten your back and legs. Then grab a weight with both hands and place it on one side of your body, right next to your hip. Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle and lift them slightly in the air, slightly bending your back. Twist the trunk and move the weight to one side of the body and then to the other side. Remember that the legs should be above the ground all the time and the back straight.

Good old plank

Another cool and recommended by trainers exercise for six-pack is the famous plank. The plank is great for strengthening the abdominal muscles, as it also engages many other muscle parts throughout the body. The plank is all about keeping your body parallel to the ground. The back should be straight, and the pelvis and hips should not drop down. The silhouette should form a straight line.

Classic crunches

Classic crunches are a must-have in the exercises recommended for a ripple. You do them lying on your back, bend your knees and slightly extend your feet. Interlace your hands behind your head and keep your elbows wide apart. Exhale and lift the shoulders up. In one series, we should do a dozen or so abdominals.


Main photo: Cleyder Duque/

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