
Manicure for men at home – step by step instructions

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Sometimes just cutting your nails is not enough and your hands look really bad. They are dry and rough. Here with help comes a manicure, which can easily be done at home.

Manicure for men – not so terrible, as they paint it … and actually there is no painting

Who said that manicure is a domain of women only? Contrary to appearances, it is not about painting nails, but about their care. And this we should pay a lot of attention – men too! Hands are the business card of each person, regardless of gender. Cracked areas, bitten nails, or ragged cuticles will never look good.

Remember, just like your tie should be perfectly tied or your clothes well ironed, your nails should also be carefully groomed. There is nothing wrong with making an appointment for a manicure in a professional salon. However, we do not always have the time and desire to do it. So how to do a manicure at home? We explain everything step by step. Accurate execution guarantees the effect of well-groomed hands, which do not have to hide in the pocket or under the jacket.

It is also worth noting that such a treatment may take a bit longer than for a woman. No wonder – men’s nails are stronger and thicker, so they need more work.

Step 1 – hand bath

Men’s manicure at home begins with soaking hands in warm water with soap, olive or vegetable oil.

This bath is necessary to soften the cuticles and keratinized areas. Ideally, it should last about 10 minutes. Otherwise, any removal of problem areas and cuticles could cause unsightly damage.

Step 2 – Cuticles

Now comes the time for cuticles and various types of thickening. Removal of the cuticle could end badly if the prior soaking was omitted.

After thoroughly drying your hands, remove the cuticles with a wooden stick. When it comes to cutting, take only the places where the cuticles protrude and hook. Be sure not to cut too deep, as this can lead not only to damage to the skin, but also to the nail matrix.

Step 3 – filing

The next step is to take care of the nails, and more specifically to shorten them to the desired length and shape them with a file.

Men’s manicure does not give room for manoeuvre in this regard. While with women we can choose the shape of almond, spike or square, with men the movement is limited to the ideal shape, according to the fingertip. Here, a glass or paper file works well.

Step 4 – polishing

After shaping the nails, it is necessary to level the surface with a special polishing block, which will give the nails a healthy and natural shine. Then you can apply a special conditioner. But do not be afraid of this cosmetic, because you can choose a version with a matte finish, which is perfect for men’s manicure

Step 5 – olive oil and balm

The last step, which must be remembered, and which has a large impact on the effect, is to massage the nail plate with a cosmetic olive and apply moisturizing balm on the entire hand. This will effectively eliminate the problem of dry and tight skin.

The application of the cream should be repeated at least once a day, at night, to nourish the skin and keep it in good condition. It is best to put it on your nightstand so that you do not forget about it. Of course, if you work with gloves, outdoors, or after frequent use of disinfectant liquid, you may need to cream your hands more often.


Main photo: Merilyn Smith/ WireImage/ Getty Images

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