
Tie, bow tie or maybe neither? We suggest what is the best solution and when

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Pandemic caused that participation in the events was suspended for some time. Recently, we can again participate in them. However, men are faced with a dilemma: tie or bow tie – which to choose?

Fashion is changing, although some classic closet elements – such as the men’s suit – will never go out of style. However, this does not mean that this garment has not been slightly modified over the years. Men can experiment and not necessarily stick to rigid rules. Usually, the shirt is matched with a tie or a bow tie, but why not dispense with these accessories altogether?

Tie or bow tie? What does the choice depend on?

Men choose their suits according to their body shape, age, and personal preferences. However, buying a suit is not enough. You also need to choose accessories, such as the right shoes, belt, or shirt clips and, of course, a tie or bow tie

What’s more popular? In the past, it was definitely a tie, but nowadays equally popular among men is a bow tie or none of these accessories. It depends on the occasion and our taste which version we finally decide on

When is a tie better?

Nowadays, there are plenty of TV and Internet programs in which stylists tell us how to dress appropriately for an occasion

As for men, especially for business meetings, but also elegant social events, it is recommended to match the shirt with a tie. The addition optically slims down, which may prove to be useful information, especially for men with fuller figures. However, there is one rule that must not be broken in order not to lead to a stylistic disaster! Namely, under no circumstances should a tie be worn with a tuxedo or tailcoat, as it will disrupt a man’s proportions

Keep in mind that a tie matched with an evening outfit should rather be dark in color and uniform. Men can go a bit crazier, however, if the event is themed and has a certain theme. In this case, a colorful tie can be an original accent and allows you to stand out from the crowd.

When is a bow tie better?

Since we mentioned that a tie should never be worn with a tuxedo, a tie should be matched with a bow tie. This accessory will also go well with a vest, which will be worn over an elegant shirt, but also in combination with suspenders and a pillowcase. You can confidently wear it to many special events: baptisms, weddings, communions, proms, premieres in the theater

While a tie fits most men, it is not so easy with a fly. Why? It’s worth realizing that it optically widens the face, so men should choose it carefully, tailored to their appearance.

And when should one completely dispense with a tie or bow tie?

The answer to this question is not unequivocal. It is always a measure of greater elegance to choose one of these accessories. Removing a tie or bow tie during an event is perfectly acceptable, but not for every meeting. On business outings it is better to leave these accessories. On a greater ease in this regard, we can afford to party with friends.

Main photo: The Lazy Artist Gallery/

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