
Men’s inspirations - Page 4

Men’s plus size fashion – how to choose clothes and accessories?
Men’s plus size fashion – how to choose clothes and accessories?

Plus size fashion is not always associated with shame or stress. And in larger sizes you can look stylish. Check out how to achieve it!

How to survive the spring in style? Here’s a bit of inspiration
How to survive the spring in style? Here’s a bit of inspiration

Spring is a difficult fashion time for some

Style lesson: what did we learn from Justin Timberlake?
Style lesson: what did we learn from Justin Timberlake?

He achieved spectacular success in the world of music, but his creations left much to be desired. Now you can easily imitate his stylings – they are fashionable, comfortable and in good taste.

Novak Djokovic wins in style and we check out the champion’s closet
Novak Djokovic wins in style and we check out the champion’s closet

Congratulations on the win and a look at the leader’s dressing room!

Style lesson: what did we learn from Harry Styles?
Style lesson: what did we learn from Harry Styles?

For many, he is a style icon. What can we learn from him?

6 videos to learn style from
6 videos to learn style from

Want to look stylish and looking for inspiration for men’s hairstyles? Check out our list of the best videos to learn style from.

How do you create a stylish look for the holidays and the New Year? Here are some tips
How do you create a stylish look for the holidays and the New Year? Here are some tips

Want to look stylish for Christmas and New Year? Check out how to create the perfect look for these occasions

What is the dress code for home office? We suggest what to wear in case of an emergency video conference
What is the dress code for home office? We suggest what to wear in case of an emergency video conference

Does dress code apply to home office? Check it out!

12 stylish looks for winter that you can easily recreate
12 stylish looks for winter that you can easily recreate

See a pinch of inspiration straight from Instagram.

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