
Men’s jewelry – hot or not?

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Men’s jewelry has its supporters and opponents. However, it is worth knowing that although it appeared in our trends quite recently, its roots go back to prehistoric times

What is worth knowing about men’s jewelry? How to wear it? Is it possible to achieve a kitsch effect? We invite you to read about it!

The beginnings of men’s jewelry

Men’s jewelry is not an invention of modern fashion. To learn more about its history, we must move to prehistoric times. Already 500 years before our era men of the Achaemenid Empire grew long beards and decorated them with various shining ornaments.

The people of ancient Rome and Byzantium wore ornate rings that often served them as a seal as well. On the other hand, gold ornaments worn on the feet testified to the high social status of Indian maharajas

The “traditional” set of men’s jewelry we know today began to take shape in the 1950s. Initially, it consisted only of a men’s ring, which the etiquette expert Anna Vanderbilt considered the only true male accessory. Gradually, however, mainly due to the stars of the big screen, jewelry elements began to expand to include cufflinks, bracelets, chains, etc.

How to wear men’s jewelry to make it a stylish accessory?

Men’s jewelry is a stylish accessory and should be worn by every man interested in fashion. However, you should pay attention to choose it appropriately to the occasion. It is important, among others, to choose the material from which it is made

Men’s watch – how to wear it

Watch is probably the classiest and most common men’s accessory. To avoid making a fashion blunder, remember not to wear it on your dominant hand. So right-handed people should wear it on their left hand and left-handed on the right. This way our watch will be less exposed to all kinds of bruises and abrasions

Men’s bracelet – how to wear it

In order to look stylish and elegant you should choose a bracelet that matches your style. The most stylish bracelets are leather and beaded ones. These bracelets are more suitable for casual outfits – wearing them with a suit to a business meeting might be considered tactless.

They should be worn on bare wrist, on one hand only. You should also not exaggerate with the number of ornaments you wear. Bracelets in subdued colors such as black, beige, navy blue and earth colors will work best.

Cufflinks – how to wear

Cufflinks – seemingly just a detail in the overall look, cufflinks can actually add elegance and style to a look. To expose them properly, the cuff of the shirt should stick out slightly from under the jacket. Then every movement of your hand will make the cufflinks visible and attract attention. You cannot forget about cufflinks when you wear a tailcoat or tuxedo. Such elegant outfits require equally elegant accessories. The color of the cufflinks should match the color of the watch case.

Signet ring – how to wear it

A signet ring should match the owner’s style. A well chosen ring will not give the impression of kitsch. According to English tradition, a ring should be worn on the little finger of the right hand, however in Poland it is usually worn on the left hand’s ring finger. It goes best with elegant stylizations, during formal business meetings, going to the theater or opera.

Main photo: Jacob Vega/

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