
UV filters – why (not only) in summer you should not forget about them and which ones to choose?

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Although it is usually in summer that we use creams with UV filters, we should not forget to apply them to our skin also when there is no sun outside. Why?

It’s hot, the sun’s rays heat up our skin so much that if we don’t protect it in time by applying a high protection sunscreen, we can get a dangerous sunburn. This issue applies not only to women, but also to men, who more often than not neglect the issues related to sun protection. Cosmetics with UV filters should be used throughout the year. And how to choose the most suitable for us?

Cosmetics with UV filters for men

Sun protection is a very important issue and should not be underestimated. Why and above all, when should you use sunscreen creams? And what kind of filters are actually suitable for our skin and the choice of cosmetics should be adjusted to skin type, as well as how to apply sunscreen preparations?

The impact of the environment can be harmful and “reflects” negatively on our skin. It is mainly about changes in weather conditions. Sudden temperature fluctuations can irritate our skin, lead to its drying out, and if it is vascular, to the bursting of blood vessels. In summer, our skin’s pigment, melanin, absorbs the sun’s rays and thus acts as a protection against ultraviolet radiation. Because of this, our skin becomes darker, or tanned. This is a defense reflex, this is how the body reacts to the threat of excess sun. Therefore, in order not to expose your skin to a mass of unpleasantness, you need to properly protect it beforehand

A simple rule that should be put into practice – do not want to get a sunburn, use creams with UV filters! But before you decide to choose a particular protective product, it is worth to read the composition of the cosmetic. On drugstore shelves we can find protection products with specific designations. The most popular are those with SPF (sun protection factor) – it is the designation of the factor protecting against harmful UV rays. This designation is usually accompanied by numbers, such as 6, 10, 15, 30, 50. The numbers indicate the degree of protection. The highest provide the greatest protection from the sun. Such creams should choose people who have a fairly light complexion, their skin does not tolerate excess sun and does not produce enough melatonin. So, the higher the value of the SPF factor, the more effective protection from UV radiation

Types of UV filters

We can divide filters in sunscreens and those for sunbathing into two types: physical and chemical. What are the differences? The purpose of physical filters is to create an impenetrable layer on the skin surface that effectively reflects the sun’s rays. Chemical filters, on the other hand, are supposed to absorb ultraviolet rays and convert light energy into heat energy. Chemical filters are much easier to use than mineral filters, as they mostly have a full range of protection, and their use is completely safe and confirmed by dermatological tests, provided of course you choose a product with a good composition.

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Main Photo: dimitrisvetsikas1969/

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