
Blue light affects appetite disorders

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Many of us never part with our phones – even in bed. And while on the surface it’s nothing dangerous, the result can be a lack of appetite control. Which in turn… will sooner or later guarantee an undesirable figure and a list of diseases on your own check-list

There’s a lot of talk about quality sleep, so we’re sure that you’re well aware of the fact that answering emails, chatting or browsing Instagram just before you relax at night makes it very difficult for you to fall asleep. It turns out, however, that this is not the only harm that staring at the screen of a smartphone or computer serves us. What else do we serve ourselves this way? Lack of control over our own appetite.

How is it possible? The point is that blue light influences the secretion of the hunger hormone ghrelin. This makes it difficult not to reach for a sweet or salty snack. In addition, glucose tolerance also deteriorates, which in the long run can “open the door” for diabetes, for example

Of course, it’s not that staring at a blue screen is a guarantee of disease, but it can certainly be considered a small step in the wrong direction.

Let’s further remind that obesity is not only a matter of undesirable appearance, but also good conditions for the development of various serious diseases.


Main photo: Sora Shimazaki/

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