
Treadmill running – everything you need to know about this workout

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Among both amateur and professional runners, treadmill exercise doesn’t have a very good reputation. Why? Many people think that nothing can replace outdoor training, while others think that running on a treadmill is a real torture. Check out what you should know about this workout before you start running on a treadmill.

Running is a physical activity that is considered by many to be one of the best ways to lose excess weight. However, when the weather outside the window is not conducive to running outdoors, you should opt for running on a treadmill. What should you know about such training?

Learn about the benefits of running on a treadmill

A running treadmill is one of the most popular fitness equipment in the world. Where does its phenomenon come from? Running itself is a physical activity that for years has been considered the best way to fight not only the extra pounds, but also is an ally that strengthens immunity. It is much easier for people who run regularly to maintain a slim figure and good health. Running maniacs don’t mind temporary weather breakdowns, but some amateurs do. So what then? Giving up running is the easiest way and not necessarily a good one. That’s why many people then use the help of a treadmill for running, whether it’s one at home or by going to a fitness club for a workout.

How to properly run on a treadmill? Proper technique is important!

As with any other workout, it is important to ensure proper technique when running on a treadmill. Otherwise, the exercises will not bring satisfactory results. So what are the rules of proper treadmill training?

Before training, you should take care of a professional running outfit. Sportswear has a lot of advantages, and one of them is that it is sewn from special materials that do not stick to the body and are air permeable. Before getting on the treadmill, warm up well. It is a must if you do not want to get unnecessary injuries and warm up your muscles well before the target workout. What exercises should I do during the warm-up? We can jog in place for a few minutes (warm-up should take max. 15 minutes), do some jumping jacks, squats and skips. After performing the exercises, we get on the treadmill.

How to proceed while running on the fitness equipment? Do not hold on to the handles of the treadmill, as this will bend your body and cause unnecessary tension in certain parts of your muscles. Remember that treadmill handles serve only as a support when changing speed and as an aid when getting on and off the device. It is important to run in the middle of the treadmill belt, because you will avoid limiting the range of movement and shortening the length of your steps unnecessarily. If we follow this advice, we will achieve better cushioning and avoid tension in the back, shoulders and neck. During running training on a treadmill we should also replenish our fluids, because increased physical effort unfortunately contributes to dehydration of the body. So remember to drink water during your workout!

And did you know that a home treadmill is also a good way to ensure daily exercise for people who can’t run for certain reasons? A treadmill is a device that also works great for walking. An hour’s walk helps improve the efficiency of our body, makes it easier to burn excess body fat and, most importantly, reduces the risk of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

To make running or marching on a treadmill go quite smoothly, it is worth doing the workout while listening to your favorite music. Everyone who trains praises running to the musical rhythm. It is worth trying it to see for yourself!


Main photo: William Choquette/

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